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Us and Men

What makes a man? What makes a good man? What kind of men would we want to be? 


Emma and Rose have an interesting relationship with Men. Emma spent her early 20s locked in a basement creating a male identity with binding and he/him pronouns. Rose battled the turmoil of wanting gay men to be attracted to her as a man, not as a woman. Both were drawn to the idea of being something queer from a safe distance away. Now they have drawn on beards and are becoming Vincent Van Gosh and Ben Brose.  

Us and Men puts our personal relationships with masculinity under the magnifying glass. Combining spoken word, physical theatre, lip sync and autobiography, Us and Men is a drag extravaganza from start to finish. 

From Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt Sekhet’s to the non-binary discourse of today, Us and Men is a f*ck you to conformity. It delves deep into gender theory and confusion, while celebrating freedom and expression, in direct contrast with the current tide of anti-trans sentiment rife in the UK government following the decision to block Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform bill.  

Upcoming Tour Dates


27th June 2023 - The Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton

Date TBD - The Carlton Club, Manchester 

Previous Tour Dates


21st May 2022 - SAUCY: Vesta Tilley Festival

23rd February 2023 - SCRATCH (hosted by Bang Average Theatre)

Us and Men is available to book for tour dates in 2023/24...

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